I know Art -- joined him in some of the early Zika work. But he lost the plot (and became consumed with his own self-importance) a long time ago. Assume if he says it, it is non-ethical. He should team up with Fraudci's wife -- would be a perfect ethics pair.

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Yeah, his self-importance is palpable. So many people lost the plot on COVID, but as you suggest, many of them lost the plot before COVID even happened - and it brought out the worst in them.

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That sounds like a fascinating career that you've had.

I'm interested in some of the lab alterations that were being done in the early 2000's on aedes aegypti mosquitoes – Heat Shock Protein, TOR etc. Would you have any other molecules / work groups / publications that might be useful to point me to?

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"Like most vax zealots in the summer of 2021, Caplan and Reiss relied on erroneous analysis, based on dirty, incomplete data, that ostensibly showed that only 1% of current COVID infections were among the vaccinated. "

Actually it was fraudulently presented data. The dataset went back to early January 2021 when almost everybody was unvaccinated and many were infected or killed by the 2nd wave. Since the data only went through some time in July, the vast majority of cases occurred in January and to a lesser extent part of February when nearly everyone was unvaccinated. There was no other way it could turn out.

And, lest I forget, people vaccinated outside the hospital system where they ultimately were hospitalized for covid were lumped with the unvaccinated, since the hospital had no record of their vaccination and didn't ask.

Fraud, complete and total fraud.

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The EUA for all vaccines stated that they did I not know if it stopped transmission: this was from day one.

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I vaguely remember this ugly human. Dr. Peter Hotez is still probably worse and looks more like a creep.

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COVID, especially the narrative around vaccines, really brought out the worst in people.

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