This is an excellent case study in microcosm illustrating how a whole system is built on misplaced trust and unfounded assumptions of fundamental truth. Lies built on lies until we reach the point where facts have been tweaked and twisted so much the foundations are crumbling under the weight of the falsehoods and absurd beliefs.

For all the terrible effects of Covid policies it sure has shined a bright spotlight on the corrupted system beneath the facade of public health & peer reviewed science system. Hat tip & hugs to the corp narrative challengers!!

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That's a great point.

People assume the FDA and CDC work in a certain way - i.e., they assume those agencies diligently and competently do the job they're tasked with doing. And yet!

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If they're undergoing such intensive safety monitoring then explain why they haven't brought the pranksters responsible for exploding the VAERS death count to justice? It may not be precise data but it's not just a random error or a coincidence that over 100x more people are reporting adverse events than for say the flu shot which a similar number of people get every year. Meanwhile Novavax has... does it have any death reports yet? From what I read still no myocarditis or blood clot reports from that one, and you know that anybody getting the Novavax shot is going out of their way for their own safety, and so is aware of VAERS and would report it.

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Right. They're either not doing the safety monitoring they say that they do, or they did the calculations and saw that they were really bad. Anyone can follow their methodology to calculate safety signals - the numbers are, in fact, really bad.

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