When it was socially acceptable to say vicious things about the unvaccinated and to loudly demand that they lose their jobs and the right to mingle freely in society, opinionators like Leonard Pitts, Jr. went all in. According to Pitts, who apparently gets a lot of his scientific information from “The Daily Show,” the people who refused a Covid shot were “dumb,” “conspiracy-addled,” “gullible,” and literally a threat to his life. You’re a “menace to society,” he declared, and shouldn’t be allowed to go to the bank, shop in the grocery store or appear in public without having gotten a Covid shot.
Pitts and his ilk openly advocated “purging” those of us who did our due diligence and chose not to take the Covid shots. Imagine!
“We’re mad at you,” Pitts intoned back in 2021, “[b]ecause this thing could have been over by now, and you’re the reason it isn’t.” Well, the joke’s on you, Leonard. Almost everyone who got a Covid shot has already gotten Covid. Some have gotten it twice, thrice or more. Covid is still with us and whatever temporary, marginal impact the Covid shots may have had on mortality, it sure as heck didn’t stop the pandemic. Indeed, it was obvious at the time Pitts was writing, demanding that we all be purged and punished and unemployed, that the Covid shots didn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of stopping the pandemic. And they didn’t prevent anyone from getting Covid.
Leonard Pitts, Jr. He seems nice.
As far as we’re aware, Petulant Pitts has yet to apologize for what he did and said, or in any way make amends. It makes one wonder what he thinks of the notion of a “pandemic amnesty.” As he put it back in 2021, “you’re asking us to choose between your petulance and our lives. And that’s really no choice at all.”
Added to my list of items never to forget:
We must never forget!!!